How to Find a Job and Relocate: The Ultimate Guide

Relocation is a life change that can be exciting, but also carries with it a great deal of stress. One of the best ways to help relieve this stress is through networking. Research shows that being involved with others who are experiencing the same thing, whether it’s divorce or relocation, can have a positive impact on people’s wellbeing. But if you’ve recently moved to Washington DC for work, there may not be many other people in your shoes locally. How do you find fellow transplants to commiserate with?

How to find a job to relocate

Here are some steps you can take to get a job before you move out of your current area:

  1. Start with your current network:  Talk to your friends and associates. Consider asking everyone you know if they know anyone in DC they can introduce you to for leads, or if they themselves work in the city.
  2. Expand that network:  Do not be afraid to use online networking tools like LinkedIn, Twitter, and Facebook to expand your reach and contact prospects outside your current circles before you move! If someone is connected with a friend of yours or sends out a Tweet about an interesting article they read – ask them what it was about.
  3. Cold call:   If all else fails, try cold calling organizations that may need staff with your skills (you can look up phone numbers online or in the library). Make a spreadsheet with all the information you need before you call, including contact name/title, address, phone number, and email address. Be professional yet friendly when you make the call.
  4. Internships:   Interning can be expensive ($6-15K) and sometimes only last a semester (unpaid), but it is often an excellent opportunity to get your foot in the door of your field while building up CV experience and connections. The good news is that there are plenty of free internships out there if you look in the right places. The bad news is that not every company will have paid internship programs that match your schedule and curriculum requirements. It’s also tough to take internships seriously until you’ve done it for a while – so don’t let this stage stop you from progressing in your professional development and gaining experience.
  5. Specialization:   You may find yourself thinking, “These bands clearly were NOT made for me!” as you begin to explore which genres and artists appeal to you most. It’s worthwhile to take inventory of your personal strengths (e.g., strong time management skills, self-motivation, ability to work well under pressure/stress) as well as areas that need improvement (e.g., networking with professionals in the industry). Through the internship program suggested above or through music business classes, connect with those who can help you develop these latter skill sets.